Dev Log 5 - Something lewd

もしもし, YoraphimDev here!

Since last time I’ve focused on 2 things. The scene system, and NPC’s!

New Scene System
Looking at the actions you could do beforehand, they were very static. Just a selection and a response. Moving forwards most actions will be swapped to the new scene system. If you've played games like Degrees of Lewdity, or Lilith's throne, I would say I got a lot of inspiration from them A scene comprises a single goal, say going jogging to increase your stamina and stats, previously, you would run and get some feedback. Instead you decide how to go running, do you push yourself, do you take it easy, or do you find a quiet place and get a different kind of release. Scenes goals can change, giving you different actions to perform. In the above example, you can go from jogging to an exhibitionist masturbation scene. Scenes also allow for NPC’s to be more involved, taking turns on what actions they perform, and changing their behaviors based on what happens. They will also be the main way you fight. By just stating what a scene should focus around, and giving the player all the actions they would have available, they choose what direction it goes.   Let's say you get in a fight, do you just try your hardest to knock them out? Reach over and jerk them off in hopes they let you go? Call out for help? Beg and plead to them?

With the addition of NPC’s and the soon to be added logic systems, I want to move away from other games and their approach where actions taken seem more random. They should act how a human would, and as such I’ve started to implement more personalities. These should dictate how they react to scenes they’re added to. Getting in a fight with a sadist will be very different to a masochist, with the latter potentially going from throwing punches to having an orgasm.

That said, the personalities are there, the logic is not. The only scene that involves another NPC currently doesn't have them taking their turn. Other Things! So with these additions I would say the first lewd content is in the game, visiting Zeph East has a new scene, and so does the homeless shelter. And when passing out form running out of stamina there's a low chance for a rape scene to start, again its incomplete, but shows how NPC’s can be included. Fun fact, passing out when in the slums or on the first layer has a much higher chance of events happening to you. Also want to thank those who helped find some issues with the last update, I'll be making hotfixes whenever I can. Things like testing on phones, random issues, aren’t my focus but always happy to fix.   

What's next?
Scenes! Scenes! Scenes! This is the system I always wanted, so I want to work my way around and swap out what's relevant. For example, working/studies should be a scene, whereas falling asleep, although should be interruptible, does not need a full scene. 

After which I have 3 focuses depending on how confident I am with each. NPC logic is something I haven’t nailed down how to implement. Do I go full AI(Game AI, not the AI that is being thrown everywhere these days), or something that just gets the job done. The other option is looking at character skills, things like fighting, cooking, survival, blowjobs, are all going to have relevant skills. Easy to implement, no content for it. Lastly I'm also looking at should the game remain in the 2nd person view, or should I change to 1st person. I'm leaning towards 1st. Let me know what you think!

Signing off!

Update 0.0.5
Multiple hotfixes
Initial setup for the scene system
UI Changes


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Already sounds very appealing!