Taking heavy inspiration from Made in Abyss and Degrees of Lewdity, this is an RPG where you dive deeper into the world. With each layer you pass, enemies become more threating, the environment becomes harsher and the curses found become more extreme. All of which can become sexual in nature.

Current features
-Character creator.
-A starting city, and layer 1 to explore.
-Relics to find.
-Basic levelling up system.
-Several fighting scenes.
-Curses that develop the appearance of your character.
-Ability to work at jobs for money though can have unexpected outcomes.
-Sexual events when passing out outside, or losing fights.

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Fetish wise it will pretty much have all of it. But all of it will be togglable. Turn it into a purely vanilla RPG where you collect relics for fun and level up.

The project is still very much in the early prototype phase, things will break a lot and things will be missing. That said the feedback so far has been incredibly useful in the directions to focus on, and ideas I hadn't even thought about.

AI usage 
I am currently using AI generated images, that are then modified, primarily for the player character/NPCs. I'm planning to replace them, as they don't look great, but are very useful at being a placeholder, and showing artists how the systems should work.

Updated 3 hours ago
PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 3.6 out of 5 stars
(15 total ratings)
GenreAdventure, Role Playing
Made withUnity
TagsAdult, Anime, Character Customization, Erotic, Furry, Sandbox, Tentacles, Text based
Average sessionA few seconds
LanguagesEnglish, Japanese


The Unseen Depths V0.0.12(PC).zip 46 MB

Development log

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Wish I could play it on my phone only the left side fits nothing else ^^

Hey! Yeah its something I've heard a couple times before. Theres like 3 more UI's (Dedicated crafting, full dialogue, sex stats) I need to implement. And then I'm going to be checking out the mobile phone side of things. So probably next 2-3 months you should expect a fix for it, just a much lower priority for it while mechanics are still added in. 

it's a good game ^^

I noticed the demon eyes and thought it was very great detail keep up the excellent work 

If theres any small details alot games miss that you want let me know! 

I love small details of being able to add demonic,angelic, animalistic,dragonic,elven, and others I can't name right now 


Ah got it! Yeah going to have a lot of that in. Some will be coming in the form of curses which will be random, or relics that let you pick and choose. While others might be gained via traits, say 30 days as a virgin makes you more angelic(Halo, wings etc).

needs chastity :3

Don't worry that's probably 2 updates away, maybe 3.



Very promising. Looking forward to see how this develops!^^

(1 edit) (+2)

this is interesting, but rather clearly needs some work-

just as an example the fucking system needs an addition to allow one to reclaim the usage of their own body parts, particularly once the NPC they were used on or who took control of them is gone or dead- though having the ability to do so before they are would be nice as well.

this also comes in the form of crashing, a fairly common issue where the player has either killed an enemy dead- or just generally had a bad roll following fighting an over developed bonsai.

I would also suggest poking at the 'full screen' buttons if possible, the 'bigger' blue one works and puts you in full screen, the smaller transparent one on top of it does not, instead centering the game with a black border taking up 40-45% of the screen (firefox, screen resolution of 1680 x 1050)

An "over developed bonsai" This has to be one of my new favourite things haha.

But yeah 100% agree, alot of the things you mentioned should be fixed on the next update. Im kinda doing a clean slate, focused less on new systems and instead fixing a bunch of softlocks, missing translations etc, just to get it back to a more playable state. But its going to be alot of back and forth at least this early in development, oh lets add in pregnancy, now the UI's broken and the sex scenes need code changes, well more bug here we go!  So now and at least for a a couple more months expect it to be in an unstable state. 

And on the fullscreen. probably lower on my list of priorities but thank you so much for including the browser and resolution, things like that help so much!


Interesting concept, however I do hope that you do replace the AI generated images out of the game at some point. 



Yeah I totally agree. It’s been useful to use a placeholder to show off the systems and get a better sense of what I need, but it’s pretty much at its limit now. Even then new clothing system needed me to just draw something up in paint haha. 

With that said I’m currently in the process of figuring out the best way to replace it all.


Hi; There's a small problem on mobile, and the problem is that i cant see anything that's bellow the "Continue" button on the main screen for reference

There's alao lag issues, but these are the norm for mobile

did you fullscreen it?

The game always fullscreens on mobile, atleast on android

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi Shadow!

Unfortunately at this time I'm not really focused on the mobile dev side of things. Still very early in development. So its in the if it works great! Otherwise Ill get to it later. I do try my best to make sure that on PC it runs correctly though.

But on the timeline side of things going to looking at optimising and building the UI to scale correctly in 2-3 months.

(1 edit) (+1)

I absolutely love this game concept and idea, the biggest issue im finding so far is the missing translation errors and sometimes after you kill an enemy it will keep the fight going and you cant leave, the second one is far more important in my opinion though. 
If I were to recommend anything it would probably be to add more weapon options for combat (or you could always make things like the dildo able to be used as a weapon).
also I love the character creation of instead of choosing male or female it automatically updates to whichever would fit more, great idea!

but yea, absolutely love the game concept and the execution of it, I find it next to impossible to find games like this anymore and it is really nice.

Hey Noriporal!

Thanks for the feedback! Its been super usefully hearing from the the community where they would like to see the game go.

Unfortunately as its been in such an early state of development where systems are being added in and changed all the time I've been hesitant to go through and fix a lot of issues, as they'll probably get replaced in the future. 

Time to get a little dev'y(Totally a word....), feel free to skip the next paragraph.
Actions for example used to be based off the scene and I would just manually fill it out, it works but takes alot of time and way less dynamic. Now they're built on the fly based on a characters race. So Human with throw a punch, wolfs gonna bite you, hence a lot of missing translations, but on the back end lets me add more content so much faster.
The next and final iteration which will be the next patch I'm going to move it from race specific to body part specific. You have claws for hands, well now you scratch, not punch. You breasts are too small, no boob jobs for you. 

That said, with the final pass on the action system coming into play, that's when Ill go through and tidy a lot up, so yeah expect it in the next update!

As for weapons, funnily enough I had a bunch more added in during the clothes update, just with the actions changing it broke them. So yeah expect those too in the next patch!
Ill be sure to add in the dildo though as a weapon, I was out here thinking you guys wanted swords haha.


I mean, you could always make a psuedo crafting system and combine the dildo and the sword

Sharpened Dildo: deals 5 damage and adds 10 arousal to the enemy.

If enemy is nude deals 6 damage and adds 15 arousal with chance of stunning enemy

on a more serious note you are awesome for making all this on your own, I like the claw idea you had, and if you want I could always suggest a few lewd weapons like the above one lol

You know, I never thought of crafting, at least not yet, but the systems technically already there for it. Time to do some experimenting.

And thanks! I wanted a new game like Degrees of Lewdity for the longest time, tried others like Trials in tainted space but they didn't quite hit the same itch. Luckily I work professionally as a games programmer so decided to just do it myself haha. 

But yeah, any ideas you have, feel free to shoot them through, doesn't have to be just about weapons, can be content you want to see, jobs, relics, curses, enemy races. At this point I have just a giant spreadsheet of everything to add. 
Though I will try setup a discord or something similar soon to really consolidate a place where you can suggest ideas.

good idea, and yea, I will put some of the ideas I had down here, though ill wait till you make said discord to post the rest because I probably have a couple too many ideas for a game like this (about 3 years of looking for games similar to this makes you have too many ideas)

{First off, jobs: there could be a public cleaner to clean the streets, prostitution, and or tutor.}

{Second, weapons and armor: the aforementioned sharpened dildo

A latex suit (gives defense against sharp weapons, but gets hot easily, meaning you get thirsty quicker, raises lust by 30. bonus: relieving your bladder doesn't show)

Animal ear headband [like cats, dogs, bunny, etc] (grants less curse buildup, but raises lust by 10 while it is on)

Animal tail buttplug [different animal tails would effect lust differently depending on how easy they are to hide] (grants less curse buildup, but raises lust by minimum of 5 while it is on)

Chastity cage [for either gender](lust is lowered by 5, but arousal is permanently at a minimum of 50)}

side note the game UI reminds me of Lust Doll Plus, and the game function reminds me of degrees of lewdity :)

Haha I love it.

The latex suit actually has some really cool stats changes I never though about.

And yeah Lust Doll Plus is also another massive inspiration. Only other thing I really want to look into changing for the UI is adding in some basic animations like your character casually swinging left and right a bit, add in some facial animations. Just have it all less static.


Hey one question what if you make a game like this one, but it will have everyone be naked with no clothing like the one you are doing , what if its a transport to another world type where you end up in the world of naked people, and you are also naked?

And what if its a sci fi game but you remain naked?


That seems like a very specific idea.... Ill be sure to add it to the back burner, just in case I have a free weekend haha.

That said, planning to add in clothing soon. Technically it does exist in the game, just not visually. Because of the amount of customisation I want, it means the amount of work for things like clothing sky rockets, though looking at swapping to 3D models, as that makes it way easier.

I see, though i still think you can make them naked, by the way there is a 3rd question i forgot to ask you until now and its this

I appreciate the html game with Ai art but what if its a visual novel game or rpgm game but with real non ai art?

That is actually the plan, right now all art within the game is either modified AI or free assets. But I've been in talks with a couple different artists on getting those replaced. Not only will that look better, but will let me have more control over the models. 

Im just a programmer so my artistic skills are next to nothing haha.

Okay and if that happens this time with real art instead of ai art and a visual novel or rpgm  fornat I hope that the premise will have the nudist theme and i will look forward to future games where its a transport to another world type where its also a nudist theme including  a sci fi game but with a nudist theme ?

How to use the dildo?

Hey Jesus, did not expect you here.

In the current build its just something you're able to buy. Still super early on in development.

Coming in the next build, expected next couple days Ive been focusing on adding in a bunch of content. This is revamping the fight/rape scenes, NPC logic, more character artwork for males.

And Ill add in some dildo action for you too! Most the systems are all in place now so adding in content like that is super straight forwards.   

Believe it or not, lust is not a sin. It is a holy thing. ;) thanks for replying so soon

how does te curse buildup work?

(2 edits)

So as it based on the show, when ever you ascend while in the abyss it will increase. I've recently added in tool tips for all traversing actions, so just hover over them, and it'll let you know how far vertically you travel, and then how much buildup you should expect. 

Besides traversing, I want to add in things like running from fights, might cause you to run away upwards, etc.

At 100% you'll get a curse, for the first layer this will be just nausea. Layer 2 though will have minor body changes, and the lower you get, the more extreme.

If there's anything you think should be added in, or any curse ideas, be sure to let me know!


In the character creation, is your character always a girl or can you modify it to make it a boy? Because I saw that when making a male character, it said "You're no longer a tomboy, now leaning towards boy" does that mean our character is ALWAYS female?

The quick answer is yes you will! Slap a cock on, have no boobs, and the game treats you as a guy. Its just all a big work in progress.

The long anwser is there's two parts.
The first is art for a male character doesn't exist yet. Currently it works out how masculine or feminine you are, and the future plan is to have a different set of images for the body, jawline, etc based off that.

Second part is alot more about the background math. Essentially to work out the feminine/masculine score, I see what parts you have, cock, boobs, hair length etc. And currently they just dont push the score enough in one direction for it to really figure out what youre going for.
Besides tweaking these values, Im currently in the process of adding clothes, they'll modify the score, I also want you to be able to set how you present yourself, do you act masculine/feminine etc. 

When you interact with the characters/NPC’s it would be nice if there would be responses to your phrases, and comments on the way you look.

Thanks for the idea! Behind the scenes there's already a humanity score that goes down as you take on more and more less human curses.

Im currently redoing some of the dialogue system to make it more random in responses, instead of the same line over and over. So Ill keep your idea in mind!

I think one thing that could be helpful would be something on the Attributes page during character creation that explains what each stat does.

I also noticed a bug with Attributes in character creation. If you're in the Attributes tab, add some points, and then click on the Attributes tab again, it'll randomly add more points to the Attributes you've already put points into. You can end up getting 10 points in every Attribute this way, and still have unspent points.

Yeah I'm in the process of adding in a tooltip system, essentially stats, attributes, skills, potentially traversal and actions, will allow for a popup, similar to games like Civ or Crusader Kings. It'll let more details be presented to the player, especially with traversal about time taken, curse amount gained, etc. At this point will be included in the next update, unless something goes really wrong.

Thanks for the catch with the Attributes too! Super easy fix, so Ill add it to the list! Guess make your god character now while you still have the chance haha.

Very excited to see this project grow, I love how you've managed the character portrait. It'll be neat seeing how the various curses affect it.


Thanks! yeah its been a lot of fun to work on, originally just a programmer, but through this project been learning how to modify images, and even start to do my own. So we'll see how far it can go. Though really want to get some art commissioned soon to finalise the desired look. 

Still super excited for the game bro ham! I love watching the progression. <3


Thanks! Its been cool to see it myself. Plus the amount of feedback it's getting in its super early and janky state, is a massive driving force.  

no hair no matter what i do

I have the same problem too, weird.

I'm having the same issue on both the browser and desktop versions - in point of fact, none of the head options seem to work correctly.  Hair, eye colors/styles, head shape, none of it.

That was an issue on my end. The joys of early dev! Ill be getting a hotfix out today or tomorrow.

At your own pace, dove!  Thank you for responding so promptly.  <3


Do you only need a mouse to play? if so can you make it work on phones? Because I can't change my name when using a phone to play.


Hi Honeytank!
At this point it is only mouse, excluding things like your name. I haven't looked at any phone support at this point, but I'll check it out, should actually be pretty easy to setup as I've done something like it  in the past.

Thank you. Also I noticed a minor bug in the character creator. when changing the sizes of genitals, When adjusting the breast the picture of the boobs get bigger and smaller when you adjust the size but when adjusting the sizes of the penis and/or balls, they don't change.


Unfortunatly I didn't have any images for that before, I've gone though and added bunch more in. Though changing the skin color seems kinda jank. Luckily been in talks with getting some art commissions going, just have alot of requirements haha. 

Just a heads up, pushed a hot fix today, might help with then name input, and added in some new images.
I won't be focused on much mobile QA right now, also the UI doesn't look the best on Mobile, so that will need a overhaul, but its something I plan to look at in the future, and if you do find anything game breaking, do let me know!
Thanks for letting me know about the other issues! 


How do I actually get into the cave? I'm stuck working and sleeping at a homeless shelter, lol. It's real life simulator


Hi Bearlith, if only wokring for 8 hours was as easy as clicking a button haha. 
Unfortunatly that is all thats currently in the project. It's still early on, but wanted to get some feedback on the UI, different systems, so its pretty barebones.

That said next update should have alot more to go on, and exploration of the first layer.

oh, rather interesting, nnnaaah

This game seems like it's gonna be pretty fun! Can't wait my guy. Hope everything works out for ya!


Can we have some clas or ability or char. trait like: slut, nympho, monster fucker, that allows you to have sex with or get raped by monsters without losing too much sanity?

(Bcs i 100% sure we will have sanity stat in game)


Hi Koaok! Yeah was looking into a sanity stat already, though I do like the idea of traits that can change how it effects you. I think if I did it, they would be ones you can 'earn' or maybe you get to just pick one in the character creator. 


I can't start the game. The start button is locked and I'm trapped in the character creator. Additionally the options button is also locked 

Hi HoneyTank, at this point those parts of the game arent completed yet, it is just the character creator. I'm in the process of getting an artist to run through the character creator art so needed a demo in place for them to see how it works. But in the next couple weeks I should have more to show!

Ah ok. Hey as a suggestion I assume that some enemies will also have genitalia and it would be neat if we can have the option to go for a low blow. I don't know how you plan on making the combat system I think have the ability to do crotch shots will be hilarious.

I'm all open to ideas, so I'll keep it in mind. Do you enjoy when these types of games have a comedic aspect to them?

It depends on the type of theme and how dark and gritty you're going for the world. I believe that every game needs some comedy, but too many jokes in a gritty setting will ruin the world a bit.

nice. The images need variety though. In particular when you are choosing different private counsels. Is a text base or an RPG?

Hi Doruvi, yeah at this point im in contact with some artiosts looking at getting some work done, so look forwards to that! 
The game itself will be mianly a text based adventure. If you have played Degree's of Lewdity I would say thats the closest comparison. 

About how far along is this project? I haven't played it yet but if its like degree of lewdity its going to be in progress for a long time and I'm for it


Hey Starkenight! At this point the only thing playable is the character creator. But theres already a decent done in the backend systems. So things like saving and loading, the character's combat stats, scene navigation between the world exploration to shops to the battle arena are already done. 

For the above what should be interesting is good ol' intergration hell. Bringing it all together normally has some issues. And then the other big part is building them. The codes there but there's no UI, no art, and then no actual content. Content wise think things like town names and descriptions and events that can fire. 

Something I have realised is I need to get some art done earlier to see what limitations their are as they will change the current code/UI etc. Im in the progress of finding an artist I can get commissions from to build the character art. I would love if I could have a single character image, or if splitting it up into head, torso, lower as it current is easier and gives a better overall quality.

If youre curious about a timeline, I'm wanting to have a feature complete, though content lacking game out in 6ish months. Im basing that on other released games I've worked on.


Thank you for the response I will be looking forward for the future of this game. Godspeed